WARNING: Use caution when manipulating firearms and projectiles. Your security and that of those around are of primary importance. Take a few minutes to read our Notice of Safety, below.
What does a high ballistic coefficient mean and does it make a bullet more or less accurate?
The ballistic coefficient of a projectile is measured with its ability to overcome air resistance. Less velocity will be lost in its flight. In order to increase the ballistic coefficient of a bullet, we sacrifice a bit of stability. There is an equilibrium point between ballistic co-efficient and stability in a standard barrel twist.
BT: Boat Tail
FCP: Full Copper Plated
FMJ: Full Metal Jacket
RN: Round Nose
RNFP: Round Nose Flat Point
RNHP: Round Nose Hollow Point
HBWC: Hollow Base Wad Cutter
HP: Hollow Point
SH: Shoulder
TC: Truncated Cone
TCHP: Truncated Cone Hollow Point
What is a rebated boat tail?
A rebated boat tail refers to a boat tail bullet with a shoulder. Our rebated boat tail is designed to achieve near the shooting accuracy of a flat base bullet with the efficiency of a bot tail bullet. When using a rebated boat tail, we experience the exit performance advantage of a flat base bullet. A flat base offers the largest surface for gas pressure to build against. Gasses will exit the muzzle at almost a 90 degree angle.
What does AF/SS stand for?
A-Frame / Semi Spitzer.
If interested in shooting sports, first, follow a firearm training course. Regularly revise your security practices. Store your projectiles and firearms separately, under lock, and in a cold and dry environment. Always follow safety precautions. Do not act carelessly and beware of unsafe handling of your equipment. Always wear safety gear (eye protector, ear protector, gloves, mask, etc.). Follow the manufacturers’ user guide (firearm, gun powder, projectile, magazine, etc.). Use the right projectiles for your firearms (the one engraved on your firearm). Use firearms that are safe to use. Frequently clean your firearm. Before any target shooting, make sure the barrel is not blocked.
When shooting, if the firearm does not go off, if the throwback does not happen, or if the gun thuds, do not fire again. Wait at least 30 seconds before unloading the firearm. Direct the barrel towards a safe spot. Then, unload while making sure the breech never points toward you. Beware when firing on hard surfaces or water as they increase the risk of rebounds. Before any manual loading of the firearm, ask an experienced shooter regarding the different precautions to take into consideration. Read all documentation regarding your firearm, including technical specifications and requirements for loading. Beware of lead fumes when shooting, cleaning, loading or manipulating the firearm. Make sure to have a proper ventilation system, clean your hands properly, and use the right protective gear.